“Steeped in Romanity” — Fr. Victor-Alain Berto

Articles written, translated or selected by John S. Daly

The guiding star of this site is fidelity to Rome.

From torrid south to frozen north,
The wave harmonious stretches forth,
Yet strikes no chord more true to Rome’s,
Than rings within our hearts and homes.
Cardinal Wiseman

Venial Sin

Bishop John S. Vaughan$11.96

Venial Sin Bishop Vaughan's 1924 classic on venial sin. The author had five sisters who were nuns and five brothers who were priests, including one archbishop and one cardinal. His message is that we are all too careless about venial sin, which is the greatest of all evils with only one exception (mortal sin). Any reader of this book will receive a strong impulse to correct those "little" defects which are the ruin of our efforts after holiness, constantly incline us to fall into worse sins, and are invariably an offence against the infinite majesty of God.

Tags: holiness, religion, Sin, spiritual life
Width: 6
Height: 9
Weight: 0.34 lb
Number of pages: 69
Date of publication: April 15, 2008
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior ink: Black & white
ISBN: 9782952916295