“Steeped in Romanity” — Fr. Victor-Alain Berto

Articles written, translated or selected by John S. Daly

The guiding star of this site is fidelity to Rome.

From torrid south to frozen north,
The wave harmonious stretches forth,
Yet strikes no chord more true to Rome’s,
Than rings within our hearts and homes.
Cardinal Wiseman

The Adventures of Owen Evans

Rev. W.H. Anderdon$24.95

The Adventures of Owen Evans A rattling good novel: “the Catholic Crusoe”! Unbeknown to his more decent crewmen, the captain of the schooner has decided to turn pirate. He and his accomplices decide to unburden themselves of those deemed unlikely to join them in a life of crime. Thus five lukewarm Protestants and a Spanish priest are marooned in 1739 on a Caribbean island. The castaways spend four adventurous years together, in which excitement of every sort alternates with their instruction in the Faith. When they are rescued, there are no more Protestants on the island, and it is doubtful whether any Protestant who takes up this book will resist the kindness and persuasive apologetics of friar Don Manuel. Fr. Anderdon, who was nephew and secretary to Cardinal Manning, is a talented and learned writer. The ship’s surgeon, Owen Evans, recounts the events in a way that will thrill every reader and impart instruction and edification without straining the reader’s goodwill.

Tags: castaway, Catholicism, marooned, robinson crusoe
Width: 6
Height: 9
Weight: 1.36 lb
Number of pages: 368
Date of publication: February 2, 2009
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior ink: Black & white
ISBN: 9782917813126