“Steeped in Romanity” — Fr. Victor-Alain Berto

Articles written, translated or selected by John S. Daly

The guiding star of this site is fidelity to Rome.

From torrid south to frozen north,
The wave harmonious stretches forth,
Yet strikes no chord more true to Rome’s,
Than rings within our hearts and homes.
Cardinal Wiseman

What is TRUE Education ?

Father Edward Leen$27.50

14 - What is TRUE Education ? Father Leen's 1943 classic is a complete guide to what human existence is meant to be : a mind that thinks clearly and adheres to truth, a heart that seeks and loves the good, a soul that enjoys true beauty, a noble, courageous character - and all this just the prelude to the divine life of grace in this world and of glory in the next. How to form oneself and others to live as God intended in time and in eternity.

Tags: Christian mindset, complete human being, Education
Width: 6
Height: 9
Weight: 1.03 lb
Number of pages: 272
Date of publication: December 22, 2009
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior ink: Black & white